CASA Summer Camp Part III

CASA Summer Soccer Camp

Welcome to Part III of the 4-Part Series on the 2019 CASA Summer Camp.

Here’s what went down on the third day of CASA Summer Camp in Holly Ridge, NC on June 19, 2019.

Tournament Games

Today is tournament day where teams of 4 play in 3 v 3 games (one sub). This was for the 6-8 age group. The older groups had larger teams.It was about 9:30 AM before things got into motion. The Dragons, in white, were up first against the Tiger Sharks in red. The game ended up on tie so there was a shootout. Ava made both her shots and one more teammate got a shot for a total of 3 points. However, the Tigersharks got 5 points so the Dragons lost.

The Hotspurs and Lions squared off next. During those 20 minutes, the other two teams had no guided activities or supervision (to the dismay of some of the parents who stuck around). Dragon’s and Hotspurs matched up after that. Ava got at least two goals but I don’t know what the end result of the game was. (I requested a copy of the results and will update if received). 

The games went on but between sitting out when other teams played and water/snack breaks, there was too much downtime. Some of the campers said they were bored and others took the opportunity to misbehave.

Game Over

In the end, there wasn’t enough time to complete the final game of the tournament so it was added to the following day’s agenda. The games were running behind so the Dragons vs Tigersharks (round 2) was shortened. Therefore, they got unequal playing time which I didn’t think was fair.

The Dragons did not advance to the final. If they were allowed the full amount of time, maybe they would have. Either way, I knew that there would be a minimum of 20 minutes of uninstructed and unsupervised time tomorrow for two teams (8 kids) in the 6,7,8 age groups. Not a super great ending to the camp session today. Hoping for a more fun, structured, and eventful final session tomorrow.

Join us tomorrow for Part IV, Day 4 of CASA Summer Soccer Camp. You can view live streams (usually between 12 – 1 PM), photos, and camp videos on Ava’s Facebook Page


See Also

CASA Summer Soccer Camp: Part I
CASA Summer Soccer Camp: Part II
Jacksonville, NC Area Summer Soccer Camps
Wilmington, NC Area Summer Soccer Camps
CASA – Coastal Area Soccer Association
JATA Soccer Camp Review 2018

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